COMMA Workshops
The COMMA workshops (11 Sept 2018) provide an informal setting to discuss work in progress in an atmosphere that fosters the interactive exchange of idea. A particular focus of the workshops in this edition of COMMA is on work bridging between formal/informal models of argument and other disciplines and domains in which argumentation is studied and applied. We offer three parallel workshops providing different perspectives on argumentation: (1) Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA), chaired by Matthias Thimm, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Invited speaker: Matti Järvisalo, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland. (2) Argumentation and Society (ArgSoc), chaired by Katie Atkinson, University of Liverpool UK Invited speaker: TBA; (3) Argumentation and Philosophy (ArgPhil), chaired by Jacky Visser, Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee UK Invited speakers: Michał Araszkiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland & Marcin Koszowy, University of Białystok, Poland. Post-proceedings: The possibility to publish a special issue of the Argument & Computation journal after ArgSoc and ArgPhil is under consideration. |
Overview of Important Dates Extended abstract submission deadline (EXTENDED): |
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